COME STAI? Italian Language Standard Online Group Course

Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE


Tópicos do curso

Escuta, fala, pronúncia, leitura, escrita, vocabulário, gramática e activités

Horário da aula

Duração do curso
8 semanas
Datas de começo
Todas as primeiras Segundas-feiras do mês
Aulas por semana
4 lessons per week (cada aula dura 60 min)
Dias da aula
segunda-feira - sexta-feira

O horário da turma pode mudar dependendo da disponibilidade e da época.

Descrição do curso

Include 4 hours of live classes to your weekly schedule and practise the Italian language from the comfort of your home.

This Italian language live online course is the perfect solution if you wish to cover the main grammar topics and linguistic skills. If you are a full beginner, this course is also suitable for you and it will provide you the main tools to break into the fascinating world of the Italian language and culture. You can easily join COME STAI? Italian language standard online group course and learn online through our dedicated and user friendly e-learning platform, that will allow you to virtually meet people from all over the world in a friendly and engaging small class.

The COME STAI? Online Italian language standard group course is organized in two sessions per week of two hours each. Classes are small and arranged according to students' different levels and time zones.
The course will allow you to consolidate your knowledge, virtually meet other classmates from all over the world and practise the Italian language in a friendly and relaxed environment.

All sessions are fully guided and live streamed.
Can’t join one? No worry! Sessions can be recorded upon request so you can always be up to date.

Nível da aula

Todos os níveis, iniciantes a avançados

Dimensão da turma

Máximo 15 estudantes

Idade do estudante

Variedade de idades 18 anos de idade e mais velho


Um certificado de conclusão será emitido no final do curso.
Ler mais...


  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 1/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 2/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 3/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 4/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 5/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 6/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 7/7

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