One-to-One (2 lessons per week)

EC English Language Schools: Vancouver


Descrição do curso

Na EC Vancouver você vai melhorar seu nível de inglês e maximizar suas habilidades com o idioma em um ritmo que se adeque ao seu perfil. Independente em qual nível esteja situando, desde iniciante a um aluno avançado, você terá um progresso rápido e efetivo enquanto adquire mais segurança com sua fala, audição, leitura e escrita em inglês. À medida que seu inglês e confiança melhoram, você ampliará seus horizontes e ganhará uma grande vantagem para sua carreira ou educação.

Vancouver é uma cidade deslumbrante e amigável da Costa Oeste, conhecida por suas vistas de tirar o folego e sua receptividade. Sem dúvida não faltará inspiração para você aproveitar ao máximo o seu intercâmbio de inglês.

Os nossos alunos da EC Vancouver vêm de todas as partes do mundo. Você estará em contato com vários tipos de culturas, ampliará sua visão sobre o mundo e fará amizades duradouras. E o melhor, tudo isso enquanto pratica seu inglês e convive com pessoas com objetivos semelhantes ao seu em Vancouver.

Adicione aulas particulares ao seu curso de Inglês geral e aproveite ao máximo a sua experiência com sessões individuais e focadas no que precisa. Essas aulas privadas são elaboradas por seus professores com intuito de corresponder às suas necessidades específicas, com 100% de foco nos seus requisitos.

Disponível: Ano inteiro
Duração da lição: 45 minutos
Lições por semana:
20 (15 horas)
24 (18 horas)
30 (22.5 horas)
Idade mínima: 16
Início: toda Segunda
Tamanho da classe: Máximo 15
Nível: Todos os níveis

Tópicos do curso

Escuta, fala, pronúncia, leitura, escrita, vocabulário e gramática

Horário da aula

Duração do curso
1-52 semanas
Datas de começo
Todas as Segundas-feiras
Aulas por semana
2 lessons per week (cada aula dura 60 min)
Dias da aula
segunda-feira - sexta-feira
Férias da escola
18 abr 2025, 19 mai 2025, 01 jul 2025, 04 ago 2025, 01 set 2025, 30 set 2025, 13 out 2025, 11 nov 2025, 25 dez 2025, 26 dez 2025

EC Vancouver não tem aulas nas datas de feriados acima. A escola não compensa estes feriados, por isso certifique-se de que escolhe a data do seu começo adequadamente.

O horário da turma pode mudar dependendo da disponibilidade e da época.

Nível da aula

Todos os níveis, iniciantes a avançados
Irá realizar um exame de colocação no seu primeiro dia para determinar o seu nível da sua sala. Você também pode fazer este teste antes da sua chegada em Vancouver.

Dimensão da turma

Médio 1 estudante
Máximo 1 estudante

Idade do estudante

Variedade de idades 16 anos de idade e mais velho


Um certificado de conclusão será emitido no final do curso.
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  • EC English Language Schools: Vancouver 1/101
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  • Acomodação homestay oferecida pela EC English Language Schools: Vancouver 7/101
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  • Residências para estudantes oferecidas pela EC English Language Schools: Vancouver 59/101
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75% recommendar

com base em 4 avaliações
5 estrelas
4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrela
Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola

"It broadened my horizons"

Namiko Takada, estudante de Japão

First day in the class, I didn’t say my opinions and keep quiet.
A teacher said me you should say something,
you stay here just 1 week. It’s for you!
And then I tried to say my opinions it’s became good experience.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Data de estudo
16 Sep 2019 - 20 Sep 2019
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"If you like Europe, choose some school in Europe, but if you like Canada or America, it will be ok."

Alexander Ryabov, estudante de Rússia

Hi, as long as I remember myself, I have always wanted to visit Canada. Now I know that I like Europe more. To visit Canada and to study English at the same time was a great idea because I was able to make lots of friends at school. A year before the EC School, I was in Ireland and studied English in some other school. I will share these schools. When I arrived at the school, of course I had an exam to determine my level. I did not prepare for any exam and it was not as good as I wished. The exam had several parts; writing, listening, etc. If I had some problem with listening because lack of practice and it was enough to get a group with not so high level. Very soon I understood that my level was higher. It was very important to find your group because it was much more interesting. When you had the same level you were able to choose and support topics you were both interested in. So, do not be shy if you feel your level is higher, ask teachers. At that time, the teachers were a little bit busy, but I asked several times, then they checked my home assignments. We had some conversation, and I was in my new group. It was much better. Now I was able to discuss and speak about things that were interesting for me. Believe me to be with the same level is very comfortable and important.
So, about schedule and activities. In the EC School you are able to choose different additional lessons to improve your writing, listening, etc. There is the main schedule with your group. If you want to change your group, you should take some sort of test. If you want to change some of your additional lessons, just ask about it. It is very convenient. You are able to try different lessons with different levels. In Ireland, I did not have so many opportunities to choose different lessons. In the EC School, some organization worked with our activities. Very often you had to miss your last lesson, and sometimes you could just be alone from your school because this organization worked with different schools. For me, it was very uncomfortable, concerning making new friends. I pay special attention to it because being with friends improves your language so much.
Concerning, household family. None of the students lived with a Canadian family. I lived with some family from Serbia and with three other students. All students were from different schools. We had different schedules, activities, and our lessons started in different times. So, we did not become close friends, but in any case living with other students improved your language quite well.
P.S. Sorry for my mistakes I am a foreigner and I was independent.
Alexander Ryabov.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
2 semanas
Data de estudo
10 Dec 2012 - 28 Dec 2012
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"A perfect month"

MOACIR JORGE RAUBER, estudante de Brasil

Travel to Canada was great. First, I knew a different country with people from every place of the world. Second, I could improve my English skills using it. Third and the most important to me was the environment at EC school. All of the information that I needed during my four weeks in Vancouver I had with the people of school. Information about tourism, extra activities or other kind of things are important to a guy who is in a foreign country. But I would highlight the role of the people from school: secretaries are marvelous and the teachers incredible. The results depends of me... So, I have had the perfect month in Vancouver! To me it was special because I´m a wheelchair user and Vancouver is perfect for this too! Thank you!!!

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
4 semanas
Data de estudo
26 Aug 2012 - 20 Sep 2012
Faixa etária
50 - 64
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"Professional service."

Andreia Rauber, estudante de Brasil

One of the teachers was simply fantastic. He's very intelligent and has great didactics. The school is super professional, there's strict timing control, which educates students about punctuality. Facilities are good and there's excellent access to wheelchair users. Staff is helpful and friendly (most of them), the school is located downtown, close to shopping centers and snack bar/restaurants. I don't remember anything negative. I've already recommended the school to many people.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
4 semanas
Data de estudo
26 Aug 2012 - 20 Sep 2012
Faixa etária
35 - 49
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.


A EC Vancouver oferece os seguintes tipos de alojamento:

Homestay - quarto compartilhado para 2-pessoas  - Café da manhã e jantar

R$ 1.472

Homestay - Twin room, half board

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Tipo de alojamento: Homestay
Tipo de quarto: quarto compartilhado para 2-pessoas 
Plano de refeições: Café da manhã e jantar (14 refeições por semana)
Distância à escola: 40 - 60 minutos por bus
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: sábado, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
Restrições: 2 alunos devem se registrar junto
R$ 1.472
Staying with a Canadian family gives you the chance to practice your English with a real local family and experience the culture. Many students choose homestay accommodation because they enjoy the atmosphere and the feeling of support a family gives.

Homestays reflect Canada's multicultural diversity as long as English is the language of the home.

We inspect all of the homes and train our home families. An Accommodation Co-ordinator is available full-time at the school if you need any help. The Accommodation Coordinator monitors every homestay experience.

• Homestay placements to suit your needs
• You will be the only speaker of your native language in the house
• Single room with clean sheets and towels
• Breakfast and evening meals
• With 60 minutes to school by public transport

Homestay - Single-person room - Café da manhã e jantar

R$ 1.567

Homestay - Single room, half board

Variedade de idades: 16 anos de idade e mais velho
Tipo de alojamento: Homestay
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Café da manhã e jantar (14 refeições por semana)
Instalações: Tavanderia
Distância à escola: 40 - 60 minutos por bus
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: sábado, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
R$ 1.567
Ficar em uma casa de família canadense te dá a oportunidade de praticar inglês com uma família local e experimentar sua cultura.

Muitos estudantes optam por ficar em casa de família pois gostam da atmosfera e da sensação de suporte que as famílias oferecem.

As casas de família refletem a multiculturalidade canadense desde que o inglês seja a língua falada em casa.

Nós inspecionamos todas as casas e treinamos todas as famílias.

O coordenador de acomodações monitora cada experiência em casa de família e fica disponível em tempo integral na escola caso precise de qualquer ajuda.

Quartos duplos devem ser reservados por 2 estudantes viajando juntos

Dia de chegada na acomodação: Sábado antes do curso

Dia de saída na acomodação: Sábado depois do curso

Homestay - Single-person room - Café da manhã e jantar

R$ 1.685

Homestay U18 - Single room, half board

Variedade de idades: 16 - 17 anos
Tipo de alojamento: Homestay
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Café da manhã e jantar (14 refeições por semana)
Instalações: Tavanderia
Distância à escola: 40 - 60 minutos por bus
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: sábado, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
R$ 1.685
Ficar em uma casa de família canadense te dá a oportunidade de praticar inglês com uma família local e experimentar sua cultura.

Muitos estudantes optam por ficar em casa de família pois gostam da atmosfera e da sensação de suporte que as famílias oferecem.

As casas de família refletem a multiculturalidade canadense desde que o inglês seja a língua falada em casa.

Nós inspecionamos todas as casas e treinamos todas as famílias.

O coordenador de acomodações monitora cada experiência em casa de família e fica disponível em tempo integral na escola caso precise de qualquer ajuda.

Quartos duplos devem ser reservados por 2 estudantes viajando juntos

Dia de chegada na acomodação: Sábado antes do curso

Dia de saída na acomodação: Sábado depois do curso

Residência estudantil - Single-person room - Sem refeições

R$ 1.947

Vancouver Student House - Economy single room, shared bathroom - Self catering

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Endereço: 7708 Sparbrook Cres., Vancouver, BC V5S 3K3, Canada
Tipo de alojamento: Residência estudantil
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Sem refeições
Instalações: Tavanderia, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, e aquecimento
Distância à escola: 45 minutos por bus
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
R$ 1.947
Description of Local Area
Sparbrook House is located in Champlain Heights Park, which is a neighbourhood of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is a family-friendly community with a mix of housing types built around green spaces and walking trails, including Everett Crowley Park, the fifth-largest park in Vancouver.

Description of Accommodation
**This accommodation is a minimum of 4 weeks**
Sparbrook House has 2 fully equipped kitchens and dining areas, with 2 shared bathrooms and 1 private bathroom. There is a spacious back yard and a deck located on the second floor. There are 2 living rooms and one laundry room with a washer and dryer. There are three different types of bedrooms at Sparbrook:

Single Room, Ensuite Bathroom: comes with a queen or king bed, a workstation, dresser or closet space. This room also comes with a private bathroom. About 100 – 150 sqf.
Single Room, Shared Bathroom: has a double bed, workstation, and a dresser or closet space.
Single Economy Room, Shared Bathroom: has a single bed, workstation, and a dresser or closet space. About 50 -75 sqf.
Weekly communal area cleaning only (living room, bathroom, kitchen, emptying out garbage and replacing the trash bag). Students are responsible for cleaning their own bedroom.
1 dryer/ 1 washer (Free usage).
Luggage drop off available.
Utility bills are included.
Kitchen utensils provided.
Students need to bring their own towels.

Residência estudantil - Single-person room - Sem refeições

R$ 2.255

Vancouver Student House - Single room, shared bathroom - Self catering

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Endereço: 7708 Sparbrook Cres., Vancouver, BC V5S 3K3, Canada
Tipo de alojamento: Residência estudantil
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Sem refeições
Instalações: Tavanderia, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, e aquecimento
Distância à escola: 45 minutos por bus
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
R$ 2.255
Description of Local Area
Sparbrook House is located in Champlain Heights Park, which is a neighbourhood of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is a family-friendly community with a mix of housing types built around green spaces and walking trails, including Everett Crowley Park, the fifth-largest park in Vancouver.

Description of Accommodation
**This accommodation is a minimum of 4 weeks**
Sparbrook House has 2 fully equipped kitchens and dining areas, with 2 shared bathrooms and 1 private bathroom. There is a spacious back yard and a deck located on the second floor. There are 2 living rooms and one laundry room with a washer and dryer. There are three different types of bedrooms at Sparbrook:

Single Room, Ensuite Bathroom: comes with a queen or king bed, a workstation, dresser or closet space. This room also comes with a private bathroom. About 100 – 150 sqf.
Single Room, Shared Bathroom: has a double bed, workstation, and a dresser or closet space.
Single Economy Room, Shared Bathroom: has a single bed, workstation, and a dresser or closet space. About 50 -75 sqf.
Weekly communal area cleaning only (living room, bathroom, kitchen, emptying out garbage and replacing the trash bag). Students are responsible for cleaning their own bedroom.
1 dryer/ 1 washer (Free usage).
Luggage drop off available.
Utility bills are included.
Kitchen utensils provided.
Students need to bring their own towels.

Residência estudantil - Single-person room - Sem refeições

R$ 2.421

Vancouver Student House - Single room, ensuite bathroom - Self catering

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Endereço: 7708 Sparbrook Cres., Vancouver, BC V5S 3K3, Canada
Tipo de alojamento: Residência estudantil
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Sem refeições
Instalações: Banheiro privado, tavanderia, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, e aquecimento
Distância à escola: 45 minutos por bus
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
R$ 2.421
Description of Local Area
Sparbrook House is located in Champlain Heights Park, which is a neighbourhood of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is a family-friendly community with a mix of housing types built around green spaces and walking trails, including Everett Crowley Park, the fifth-largest park in Vancouver.

Description of Accommodation
**This accommodation is a minimum of 4 weeks**
Sparbrook House has 2 fully equipped kitchens and dining areas, with 2 shared bathrooms and 1 private bathroom. There is a spacious back yard and a deck located on the second floor. There are 2 living rooms and one laundry room with a washer and dryer. There are three different types of bedrooms at Sparbrook:

Single Room, Ensuite Bathroom: comes with a queen or king bed, a workstation, dresser or closet space. This room also comes with a private bathroom. About 100 – 150 sqf.
Single Room, Shared Bathroom: has a double bed, workstation, and a dresser or closet space.
Single Economy Room, Shared Bathroom: has a single bed, workstation, and a dresser or closet space. About 50 -75 sqf.
Weekly communal area cleaning only (living room, bathroom, kitchen, emptying out garbage and replacing the trash bag). Students are responsible for cleaning their own bedroom.
1 dryer/ 1 washer (Free usage).
Luggage drop off available.
Utility bills are included.
Kitchen utensils provided.
Students need to bring their own towels.

Apartamento - Single-person room - Sem refeições

R$ 2.801

Richards & Pender Shared Apartment - Economy single room, shared bathroom - Self catering

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Endereço: 510 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1T5, Canada
Tipo de alojamento: Apartamento compartilhado
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Sem refeições
Instalações: Cozinha, tavanderia, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, ar condicionado, aquecimento, e jardim
Distância à escola: 5 minutos por walk
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
R$ 2.801
Description of Local Area
Just a 5-minute walk from EC Vancouver and centrally located at the gateway to Gastown, Richards & Pender places you in the heart of an unparalled cultural and culinary tapestry. Explore the vibrant neighbourhood’s trendy boutiques, renowned art galleries, and eclectic dining options all within effortless reach. With excellent public transportation connections, the entire city of Vancouver becomes easily accessible.

Description of Accommodation

A residential midrise apartment building, Richards & Pender features 2 and 3-bedroom suites accommodating up to 4 students. Apartments include shared dining & kitchen facilities, air conditioning & washer/dryer at no additional cost, and CCTV inside and outside the property.

Building amenities include a rooftop patio with BBQ area, outdoor seating and dog run, and a co-work resident lounge with kitchenette and outdoor space.


Email, phone contact, and exact arrival details are required at least two weeks in advance. You will receive an email with the check-in instructions, your apartment number, and room name one week prior to arrival.
Cleaning Service: Only the communal areas are cleaned every Friday. Basic cleaning products are provided in the apartment. Any additional cleaning services required beyond the weekly common area cleaning will result in a $75 fee per occurrence.
Laundry Facilities: Each unit is equipped with 1 dryer and 1 washer for free usage. Student must buy washing liquid/laundry detergent.
Luggage Drop-off: Luggage drop-off not available.
Security: 24/7 video surveillance is in place for enhanced security.
Toiletries: Students are responsible for their own toiletries and toilet paper.
Kitchen Convenience: Kitchen utensils, plates, glassware, etc. are provided.
Replacement Key/Fob: Damaged, replacement and/or loss of apartment key or fob, you will be charged a $80 fee.
No deposit required

Apartamento - Single-person room - Sem refeições

R$ 2.920

Richards & Pender Shared Apartment - Single room, shared bathroom - Self catering

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Endereço: 510 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1T5, Canada
Tipo de alojamento: Apartamento compartilhado
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Sem refeições
Instalações: Cozinha, tavanderia, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, ar condicionado, aquecimento, e jardim
Distância à escola: 5 minutos por walk
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
R$ 2.920
Description of Local Area
Just a 5-minute walk from EC Vancouver and centrally located at the gateway to Gastown, Richards & Pender places you in the heart of an unparalled cultural and culinary tapestry. Explore the vibrant neighbourhood’s trendy boutiques, renowned art galleries, and eclectic dining options all within effortless reach. With excellent public transportation connections, the entire city of Vancouver becomes easily accessible.

Description of Accommodation

A residential midrise apartment building, Richards & Pender features 2 and 3-bedroom suites accommodating up to 4 students. Apartments include shared dining & kitchen facilities, air conditioning & washer/dryer at no additional cost, and CCTV inside and outside the property.

Building amenities include a rooftop patio with BBQ area, outdoor seating and dog run, and a co-work resident lounge with kitchenette and outdoor space.


Email, phone contact, and exact arrival details are required at least two weeks in advance. You will receive an email with the check-in instructions, your apartment number, and room name one week prior to arrival.
Cleaning Service: Only the communal areas are cleaned every Friday. Basic cleaning products are provided in the apartment. Any additional cleaning services required beyond the weekly common area cleaning will result in a $75 fee per occurrence.
Laundry Facilities: Each unit is equipped with 1 dryer and 1 washer for free usage. Student must buy washing liquid/laundry detergent.
Luggage Drop-off: Luggage drop-off not available.
Security: 24/7 video surveillance is in place for enhanced security.
Toiletries: Students are responsible for their own toiletries and toilet paper.
Kitchen Convenience: Kitchen utensils, plates, glassware, etc. are provided.
Replacement Key/Fob: Damaged, replacement and/or loss of apartment key or fob, you will be charged a $80 fee.
No deposit required

Apartamento - Single-person room - Sem refeições

R$ 3.039

Richards & Pender Shared Apartment - Single room, private bathroom - Self catering

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Endereço: 510 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1T5, Canada
Tipo de alojamento: Apartamento compartilhado
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Sem refeições
Instalações: Banheiro privado, cozinha, tavanderia, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, ar condicionado, aquecimento, e jardim
Distância à escola: 5 minutos por walk
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
R$ 3.039
Description of Local Area
Just a 5-minute walk from EC Vancouver and centrally located at the gateway to Gastown, Richards & Pender places you in the heart of an unparalled cultural and culinary tapestry. Explore the vibrant neighbourhood’s trendy boutiques, renowned art galleries, and eclectic dining options all within effortless reach. With excellent public transportation connections, the entire city of Vancouver becomes easily accessible.

Description of Accommodation

A residential midrise apartment building, Richards & Pender features 2 and 3-bedroom suites accommodating up to 4 students. Apartments include shared dining & kitchen facilities, air conditioning & washer/dryer at no additional cost, and CCTV inside and outside the property.

Building amenities include a rooftop patio with BBQ area, outdoor seating and dog run, and a co-work resident lounge with kitchenette and outdoor space.


Email, phone contact, and exact arrival details are required at least two weeks in advance. You will receive an email with the check-in instructions, your apartment number, and room name one week prior to arrival.
Cleaning Service: Only the communal areas are cleaned every Friday. Basic cleaning products are provided in the apartment. Any additional cleaning services required beyond the weekly common area cleaning will result in a $75 fee per occurrence.
Laundry Facilities: Each unit is equipped with 1 dryer and 1 washer for free usage. Student must buy washing liquid/laundry detergent.
Luggage Drop-off: Luggage drop-off not available.
Security: 24/7 video surveillance is in place for enhanced security.
Toiletries: Students are responsible for their own toiletries and toilet paper.
Kitchen Convenience: Kitchen utensils, plates, glassware, etc. are provided.
Replacement Key/Fob: Damaged, replacement and/or loss of apartment key or fob, you will be charged a $80 fee.
No deposit required

Apartamento - Single-person room - Sem refeições

R$ 3.300

Richards & Pender Shared Apartment - Single room, ensuite bathroom - Self catering

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Endereço: 510 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1T5, Canada
Tipo de alojamento: Apartamento compartilhado
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Sem refeições
Instalações: Banheiro privado, cozinha, tavanderia, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, ar condicionado, aquecimento, e jardim
Distância à escola: 5 minutos por walk
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, qualquer momento
Dia da partida: sábado, qualquer momento
R$ 3.300
Description of Local Area
Just a 5-minute walk from EC Vancouver and centrally located at the gateway to Gastown, Richards & Pender places you in the heart of an unparalled cultural and culinary tapestry. Explore the vibrant neighbourhood’s trendy boutiques, renowned art galleries, and eclectic dining options all within effortless reach. With excellent public transportation connections, the entire city of Vancouver becomes easily accessible.

Description of Accommodation

A residential midrise apartment building, Richards & Pender features 2 and 3-bedroom suites accommodating up to 4 students. Apartments include shared dining & kitchen facilities, air conditioning & washer/dryer at no additional cost, and CCTV inside and outside the property.

Building amenities include a rooftop patio with BBQ area, outdoor seating and dog run, and a co-work resident lounge with kitchenette and outdoor space.


Email, phone contact, and exact arrival details are required at least two weeks in advance. You will receive an email with the check-in instructions, your apartment number, and room name one week prior to arrival.
Cleaning Service: Only the communal areas are cleaned every Friday. Basic cleaning products are provided in the apartment. Any additional cleaning services required beyond the weekly common area cleaning will result in a $75 fee per occurrence.
Laundry Facilities: Each unit is equipped with 1 dryer and 1 washer for free usage. Student must buy washing liquid/laundry detergent.
Luggage Drop-off: Luggage drop-off not available.
Security: 24/7 video surveillance is in place for enhanced security.
Toiletries: Students are responsible for their own toiletries and toilet paper.
Kitchen Convenience: Kitchen utensils, plates, glassware, etc. are provided.
Replacement Key/Fob: Damaged, replacement and/or loss of apartment key or fob, you will be charged a $80 fee.
No deposit required

Apoio para o visto

Não podemos solicitar vistos em nome dos estudantes. Contudo, a escola pode fornecer-lhe toda a documentação de que precisa para ajudar na solicitação do seu visto.

A sua carta de aceitação será enviada à sua residência a por correio normal sem nenhum custo para si. Se deseja receber o seu formulário por correio expresso, terá de pagar C$ 85 quando se inscrever.

Voos e transferência de aeroporto

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Vancouver based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Seguro de viagem

Estude no exterior sem preocupações com a cobertura de seguro de saúde e objectos pessoais da Language International. Quando reserva um curso conosco, pode optar por adquirir um plano de seguro internacional que cobre não só os seus cuidados de saúde mas também a perda dos seus bens pessoais. Tem de reservar o seu seguro com antecedência quando se inscreve.

Aprender mais sobre o nosso plano de seguro »

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